
“Edition Limitée” (2013)

Dimension: 3.5” x 1.5” x 1.5”
Materials and text: Origami papers; one to make the Origami box and one for the Origami star sitting in the box. Edition Limitée stamped underneath the box with the date and title of the box.
Quote: “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” ~ Lao Tzu
Dated August 28th 2013
Location: Griffintown, Montreal

For this series called Edition Limitée, I decided to have a daily ritual for one month where I would have three origami boxes which would be dropped off in various locations throughout the city; one on my way to work, another in the office building where I work and the last one on my way home from work. Each one of them would contain an origami star inside with a message. This message would be a quote that would change from one day to the next. Since every day had a specific theme the title Edition Limitée seemed fitting and underneath every box was stamped in black ink Edition Limitée. Included also was the date and title of the quote I wrote inside the star.